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Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Food and Drink

Materi bahasa inggris food and drink dipelajari di jenjang sekolah dasar, tepatnya di kelas 4. Terdapat beberapa vocabulary (kosa kata) yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa. 

Vocab makanan seperti sunny side up, rice, bread, fried chicken, boiled eggs, meat, omelette, porridge, cheese. Vocab minuman seperti tea, coffee, orange juice, fresh water, milk. 

Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Food and Drink

Kosa kata tersebut berkaitan era dengan keseharian siswa. Diharapkan siswa juga mampu merespon pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan food and drink menggunakan bahasa inggris.

Berikut ini latihan soal bahasa inggris tentang food and drink yang bisa dikerjakan secara online.

Soal Bahasa Inggris
Food and Drink

Soal Ulangan Harian Matematika Materi Perbandingan Dan Skala Kelas 5 Waktu Tersisa
Petunjuk Umum :
  1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar!
  2. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menjawab seluruh soal 60 menit
  3. Setiap soal memiliki bobot nilai yang sama
  4. Tekan cek nilai untuk melihat nilai
  5. Isi nama dan email sesuai dengan petunjuk guru lalu tekan kirim
  6. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, buku, atau alat bantu lainnya

Multiple choice (Soal Pilihan Ganda)
Choose the right answer!

(Question Number 1 - 3)
Mrs. Ani and Livy are going to the market. They are buying three kilos of eggs, two bottle of honey, some fruit and some milk. Livy puts them into the shopping bag. Mrs. Ani pays the purchase at cashier counter. Then they go to home by the car.
Soal No.1
What are they going to buy?
A. Fresh water
B. Avocado juice
C. Honey
D. Cheese

Soal No.2
Are they buying a kilos of eggs?
A. Yes, they are
B. No, they aren't
C. Yes, they aren't
D. No, they are

Soal No.3
Where does Livy put the purchase?
A. Home
B. Market
C. Shopping bag
D. Cashier counter

Soal No.4
Rendy always eats. . . .in the morning
A. Bread
B. Milk
C. Honey
D. Sugar

Soal No.5
Renata is thirsty. She need. . .
A. Rice
B. Potato
C. Candy
D. Fresh water

Soal No.6
Look the following picture!
What is that?
A. That is mushroom
B. That is porridge
C. That is fried rice
D. That is meat ball

Soal No.7
Jack : . . . . .
Clara : My favorite food is meat ball. It's very delicious.
A. What is taste of that food?
B. What do your favorite food?
C. What is your favorite food
D. Do you favorite?

Soal No.8
This food tastes very sweet. Ants like to eat it. It is. . .
A. Fruit
B. Carrot
C. Burger
D. Candy

Soal No.9
It is the favorite food of a mouse. It is. . .
A. Honey
B. Milk
C. Cheese
D. Orange

Soal No.10
Devina are eating a plate of. . . .to have breakfast
A. Fried rice
B. Bread
C. Milk
D. Chocolate

Soal No.11
Perhatikanlah gambar berikut ini!
Rendy likes that food. It is. . .
A. Boiled eggs
B. Sunny side up
C. Meat
D. Omelette

Soal No.12
The weather is hot today. I need a bottle of. . .
A. Milk
B. Hot tea
C. Orange juice
D. Hot coffee

Soal No.13
The colour of this drink is green. It tastes is sweet. It is. . .
A. Orange juice
B. Strawberry juice
C. Pineaplle juice
D. Avocado juice

Soal No.14
My mother is cooking a bowl of porridge. It consists of. . .
A. Rice and vegetables
B. Sausage and honey
C. Meat and chocolate
D. Carrot and fruit

Soal No.15
The shape is like an umbrella. It is. . .
A. Cake
B. Candy
C. Snack
D. Burger

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Jawab juga Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Materi Weather and Season
Made Ary Aditia
Made Ary Aditia Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah dia yang berguna bagi orang lain