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Soal Direction and Location Kelas 6 SD

Pada pembelajaran bahasa inggris di kelas 6, terdapat materi direction and location (arah dan lokasi). Siswa diharapkan mampu menyebutkan nama-nama arah (belok kiri, belok kanan, dan lurus). Memahami arah mata angin. Mampu menjelaskan lokasi suatu tempat.

Ada beberapa kata (vocabulary) yang harus dikuasai siswa seperti turn left, turn right, turn around, go ahead, go straight. Arah mata angin yaitu nort, south, east, west. Apabila sudah memahami materi tersebut, ayo kerjakan soal berikut!

Soal Direction and Location Kelas 6 SD

Soal Ulangan Harian Matematika Materi Perbandingan Dan Skala Kelas 5 Waktu Tersisa
Petunjuk Umum :
  1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar!
  2. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menjawab seluruh soal 60 menit
  3. Setiap soal memiliki bobot nilai yang sama
  4. Tekan cek nilai untuk melihat nilai
  5. Isi nama dan email sesuai dengan petunjuk guru lalu tekan kirim
  6. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, buku, atau alat bantu lainnya

Pilihan Ganda

Soal No.1
Look at this map below! (Question number 1 -5)
Where is the School?
A. It is on Kamboja Street
B. It is on Melati Street
C. It is on Mawar Street
D. It is on Anggrek Street

Soal No.2
At Jalan Mawar, there is a . . . . on the right side
A. Andi's house
B. Bank
C. Hospital
D. Post Office

Soal No.3
The hospital is . . . the post office
A. Across from
B. Between
C. Next to
D. Behind

Soal No.4
Andi go to a post office to send letter. He go ahead on Kamboja Street. After meet T-junction, he . . . to Melati Street
A. Turn right
B. Turn left
C. Turn around
D. Go straight

Soal No.5
How many crossroad in the map above?
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three

Soal No.6
Look at this compass!
The letter X indicates the direction . . .
A. East
B. West
C. North
D. South

Soal No.7
It is in the south of Bali. In bahasa means. . .
A. Ini di sebelah selatan Bali
B. Ini di sebelah utara Bali
C. Ini di sebelah barat Bali
D. Ini di sebelah timur Bali

Soal No.8
Look at this map!
Java Island is in the. . .of Bali
A. East
B. North
C. West
D. South

Soal No.9
Look at this picture!
Andi : Where is the park?
Dani : Go ahead and . . .. The park is on the right side
A. Turn right
B. Turn left
C. Turn around
D. Turn back

Soal No.10
Donna go to florish. She want to buy. . .
A. Flowers
B. Meats
C. Fruits
D. Book

Soal No.11
Look at this picture!
Hotel is . . . Airport and Supermarket
A. Across from
B. Behind
C. Between
D. At the corner of

Soal No.12
Look at this picture!
. . . . . and turn left. The restaurant is on the left side
A. Turn around
B. Turn right
C. Go past
D. Take the second right

Soal No.13
Timoti is sick. He have to go to. . .
A. Post office
B. School
C. Restaurant
D. Hospital

Soal No.14
Look at this picture!
Bus station is. . ..Drugstore
A. Across from
B. In front of
C. Behind
D. Between

Soal No.15
Adit want to buy science book. He go to. . .
A. Bus station
B. Laboratory
C. Hospitak
D. Bookstore

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Nilai Tertinggi (Maksimal): 100
Yuk kirim nilai kalian kepada guru! 📘 📣

Made Ary Aditia
Made Ary Aditia Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah dia yang berguna bagi orang lain