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Soal Describing People and Object Kelas 6

Siswa diharapkan mampu untuk menyebutkan ciri-ciri fisik seseorang dalam bahasa inggris. Ciri fisik yang dimaksud bisa bentuk wajah, badan (tinggi, pendek, kurus, gemuk), bentuk dan warna rambut hingga penampilan (cantik, tampan, jelek). Siswa diharapkan juga mampu membedakan seseorang melalui ciri-ciri fisiknya. 

Mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan suatu objek. Misalnya suatu bangunan dekat dengan kita. Benda yang kita beli murah. Perhiasan itu mahal. Kamar tersebut sempit. Ayo kerjakan soal berikut untuk menguji pemahaman kamu

Soal Describing People and Object
Kelas 6 SD

Soal Ulangan Harian Matematika Materi Perbandingan Dan Skala Kelas 5 Waktu Tersisa
Petunjuk Umum :
  1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar!
  2. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menjawab seluruh soal 60 menit
  3. Setiap soal memiliki bobot nilai yang sama
  4. Tekan cek nilai untuk melihat nilai
  5. Isi nama dan email sesuai dengan petunjuk guru lalu tekan kirim
  6. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, buku, atau alat bantu lainnya

Pilihan Ganda

Soal No.1
Look at the picture below!
He is Roland. His face is. . .
A. Round
B. Oval
C. Sharp
D. Flat

Soal No.2
Look at the picture below!
Jack's nose is. . .
A. Wide
B. Narrow
C. Sharp
D. Flat

Soal No.3
Look at the picture below!
Chantika's hair is. . .
A. Short and curly
B. Long and curly
C. Short and straight
D. Long and straight

Soal No.4
Look at the picture below!
The man is. . .
A. Rich
B. Poor
C. Beautiful
D. Handsome

Soal No.5
Look at the picture below!
She is Donna. She is. . .
A. Beautiful
B. Handsome
C. Ugly
D. Frightening

Soal No.6
The gold is. . .
A. Expensive
B. Poor
C. Cheap
D. Rich

Read the text below (question number 7 - 10)
I have a close friend. His name is James. He is eleven years old. His tall is about 135 cm and his weight is about 40 kg. James has short and black hair. His face is oval and his nose is flat. His hobby is watching TV.

James has a older sister. Her name is Suzy. She is slim girl. She has long and curly hair. Her tall is about 140 cm and her weight is about 35 kg. She has sharp nose. Her face is oval. Suzy's hobby is playing badminton.
Soal No.7
Suzy is . . .
A. James's little sister
B. James's little brother
C. James's older sister
D. James's older brother

Soal No.8
What is Suzy like?
A.Suzy is slim
B. Suzy is fat
C. Suzy is short
D. Suzy is thin

Soal No.9
What is James hair like?
A. James has long and brown hair
B. James has curly and brown hair
C. James has straight and black hair
D. James has short and black hair

Soal No.10
What is James's nose like?
A. It is flat
B. It is sharp
C. It is slim
D. It is fat

Soal No.11
Look at the picture below!
This is Ahmad's room. It is. . .
A. Wide
B. Big
C. Narrow
D. Small

Soal No.12
Look at the picture below!
It is. . .
A. Cheap
B. Expensive
C. Rich
D. Poor

Soal No.13
The pencil's price is Rp.2000,00. The book's price is Rp. 6.000,00. The pencil is . . . .than the book.
A. Cheaper
B. Cheapest
C. More expensive
D. Most ecpensive

Soal No.14
Ramadani is 150 cm. Nobita is 150 cm. Nobita is . . .Ramadani.
A. Taller than
B. Shorter than
C. Longest
D. As tall as

Soal No.15
Andi's ruler is 30 cm. Budi's ruler is 20 cm. Budi's ruler is. . .Andi's ruler
A. Taller than
B. Tallest
C. Shorten than
D. Shortest

Soal No.16
Perhatikanlah gambar berikut!
Messi is . . .than ronaldo
A. Fatter
B. Fattest
C. Thinner
D. Thinnest

Soal No.17
The bag's price is Rp. 150.000,00. The belt's price is Rp. Rp 100.000,00. The bag's price is . . .than the belt's price
A. Cheaper
B. Cheapest
C. More expensive
D. Most expensive

Soal No.18
The ancient house is. . .
A. Beautiful
B. Happy
C. Thick
D. Frightening

Soal No.19
Lisa is very. . .She gets a doll from her father.
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Pretty
D. Beautiful

Soal No.20
Perhatikanlah gambar berikut ini!
Eraser is. . .of all
A. Taller
B. Tallest
C. Shorter
D. Shortest

Nilai =
Nilai Tertinggi (Maksimal): 100
Yuk kirim nilai kalian kepada guru! 📘 📣

Made Ary Aditia
Made Ary Aditia Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah dia yang berguna bagi orang lain