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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Parts Of Our Body That Work Together

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Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Bab VIParts Of Our Body That Work Together
Diharapkan peserta didik mampu menyebutkan bagian-bagian tubuh dan kegiatan yang memerlukan bagian tersebut.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Parts Of Our Body That Work Together
Soal Matematika Kelas 4 Pembagian dengan Bilangan Satu Angka Waktu Tersisa
Petunjuk Umum :
  1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar!
  2. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menjawab seluruh soal 30 menit
  3. Setiap soal memiliki bobot nilai yang sama
  4. Tekan cek nilai untuk melihat nilai
  5. Isi nama dan email sesuai dengan petunjuk guru lalu tekan kirim
  6. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, buku, atau alat bantu lainnya

Pilihan Ganda

Soal No.1
Look at the picture below!
He uses his . . . to eat noodle
A. nose
B. eyes
C. foot
D. mouth

Soal No.2
Look at the picture below!
He uses his right . . . to kick the ball
A. hand
B. leg
C. mouth
D. shoulder

Soal No.3
Look at the picture below!
He uses his nose to . . . the food
A. eat
B. take
C. smell
D. listen

Soal No.4
Look at the picture below!
She uses her . . . to take a glass of orange juice
A. hand
B. eyes
C. stomach
D. nose

Soal No.5
Look at the picture below!
She uses her . . . to look at the bag
A. hair
B. nose
C. eyes
D. shoulder

Soal No.6
Look at the picture below!
She uses her headset to . . . to the music
A. look
B. smell
C. pick
D. listen

Soal No.7
Look at the picture below!
He uses his hand to . . . an apple
A. eat
B. pick
C. smell
D. walk

Soal No.8
Which part of the body begin with the letter N?
A. neck
B. narrow
C. noodle
D. number

Soal No.9
Jack : How do you write note?
Melinda : I use my . . . to write note
A. foot
B. nose
C. chest
D. hand

Soal No.10
Which is not included in the head?
A. eyes
B. mouth
C. ears
D. knees

Nilai =
Nilai Tertinggi (Maksimal): 100
Yuk kirim nilai kalian kepada guru! 📘 📣

Convert these sentences into Bahasa!
  1. He uses his foot to play Balap Karung race
  2. She uses her eyes to watch television
  3. He uses his hand to pick a manggo
  4. Part of our body
  5. Rina uses her nose to smell the candy

Made Ary Aditia
Made Ary Aditia Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah dia yang berguna bagi orang lain